

With As little as ₦100 you can start saving & let your money grow for you. Petty save is an automated platform where from the comfort of your home or any where you are you can start saving & earn as high as 5% & above as interest rate after a certain Period of time. Here are some Key Features;

AutoSave: This feature automatically saves a fixed amount from your bank account either daily, weekly or monthly. It’s basically a standing order on your account that automates your savings & attract 10% interest per annum.

TargetSave: Hit your goals directly by using the target save feature. You can save towards a goal like; Weddings, Rent, School Fees, Car, Travel, etc. & Hit the bulls eye while making an interest of about 10% per annum.

Vault: Earn more interest by saving for a minimum of 12months. It’s like keeping money you don’t want to be tempted to spend with a trusted friend (PettySave). The longer you keep it, the higher your interest rate (12%). Once your withdrawal date is set, savings cannot be withdrawn till then.

Investment: You can invest in Real Estate, Money Markets, Agriculture & so on & earn interest of about 10-45% across various investment opportunities.

To get started you can download the app from your Appstore or Google Play store or follow the link:*