Happiness, Success


Dale Carnegie was right when he said: “It isn’t what you have, or who you are, or where you are, or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about.” One of the easiest ways to elevate your happiness set point – Is to simply know which of your thought patterns are pushing you away from a state of happiness.

Here are 7 of the most common ones you should halt immediately, so you can honor your Highest Self and fulfill your purpose in life:

1. Acting like everything is fine when it’s not. Part of honoring yourself and your needs, is listening to and following your inner guidance. When you feel tired, sick, stressed, or sad, do your best to take care of yourself. Being strong doesn’t mean hiding your pain but rather allowing yourself to feel and express your feelings.

2. Thinking you’re not ready. If you’re waiting for the perfect moment (e.g. when the kids go to college, when you get married, when you save enough money) to go after what you want, you may be waiting longer than you think. There is rarely such a thing as being 100% ready. Even if you fail, you’ll still learn a lot. So don’t be afraid to start now.

3. Punishing yourself for past mistakes. Stop blaming yourself and looking at your mistakes with embarrassment or regret. Instead, shift your perspective to see the valuable lesson behind them, so you can be grateful for them in the future.

4. Putting other people’s happiness before yours. While you’re busy taking care of everyone’s needs, who’s taking care of yours? If your answer is “no one”, then I encourage you to sit down to think about your true desires now. Remember you can’t take care of others if you don’t take care of yourself first. 5. Running away from your problems rather than facing them. Remember, being scared prevents you from fulfilling your purpose. So try approaching each situation as an opportunity to get closer to your goals.

6. Obsessing about the little things. Life is unpredictable and things don’t always go as planned. Try to go with the flow and improvise along the way.

7. Comparing yourself to others. A little friendly competition can be motivating, but obsessing over how someone else’s life compares to yours will only fill you with negativity and keep you stuck. Give yourself permission to be on your own journey, and create your own vision of success. Last of all, remember that sometimes the best thing to do is breathe and follow your inner guidance, do more of what you love, and let the Universe handle the rest 😉 To your happiness,

By officialelandre

Professional Realtor/Financial Advisory/Business Consultant

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